Malicious IP addresses Tracker
Our Threat Intelligence Services
In Cybersecurity, staying one step ahead of potential threats is critical. Our Threat Intelligence Services are designed to equip your organization with the insights needed to anticipate and counteract emerging risks.
Our expertly curated reports provide the actionable intelligence you need to protect your business. Let us help you turn information into a powerful defense.
Our Threat Intelligence service catalog:
Malicious IP addresses Tracker
New Vulnerabilities Tracker
Ransomware Attacks Tracker
Periodic Cybersecurity Bulletin
Benefits of our Threat Intelligence services
Gain the ability to identify potential threats before they impact your systems, enabling you to take preventive measures.
Receive specific, actionable intelligence on threats targeting your industry or region, enabling you to prioritize and address the most relevant risks.
Receive customized intelligence that aligns with your industry and threat landscape, ensuring your defenses are relevant and effective.
Continuously monitor and track malicious IPs and emerging vulnerabilities to minimize your exposure to potential cyberattacks.
Keep your team informed about the latest cybersecurity trends, enabling them to recognize and respond to threats more effectively.
Stay ahead of regulatory requirements by using up-to-date threat intelligence to ensure your organization meets security standards and best practices.
Do you have additional questions?
If you want more information, or want to hire any of our Threat Intelligence services, feel free to contact us; We would be happy to schedule a personal meeting!
At Protekt our mission is to provide the best possible cybersecurity services to add value to your business. Your safety is our priority.