Our Threat Modeling Services

Stay a step ahead of cyber threats with our cutting-edge Threat Modeling Services! We work with you to map out potential risks, uncover vulnerabilities, and design robust defenses. We help you to protect your critical assets and keep your business secure with our proactive, tailored threat modeling services.

Our Threat Modeling service catalog:

Threat Modeling with STRIDE

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Threat Modeling with DREAD

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Threat Modeling with PASTA

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What will you receive as a result?

Detailed Threat Model Report
A comprehensive document outlining identified threats, vulnerabilities, and recommended countermeasures, providing a clear roadmap to enhance your security posture.

Executive Risk Assessment Summary
A high-level overview of the most critical threats and vulnerabilities, tailored for business leaders to make informed security decisions.

Attack Tree Diagrams
Visual representations of potential attack paths and vectors, helping you understand how threats could exploit vulnerabilities.

Prevention & Mitigation Action Plan ( Optional )
A step-by-step plan detailing specific actions to address identified threats and reduce risks.

Threat Modeling Workshop ( Optional )
A hands-on workshop with your team to educate them on the threat modeling process and empower them to identify and mitigate threats.

Benefits of our Threat Modeling services

Comprehensive Attack Path Analysis

Gain a deep understanding of how attackers might exploit your system through detailed attack tree diagrams and scenario simulations.

Early Threat Detection

Uncover potential attack vectors during the design phase, allowing for early intervention and stronger defense mechanisms.

Contextual Risk Prioritization

Focus on the most relevant threats to your organization by evaluating risks in the context of your specific business objectives and technical environment.

Enhanced Incident Response Planning

Develop robust incident response playbooks and strategies tailored to the identified threats, improving your ability to react swiftly and effectively.

Systematic Security Review

Conduct a structured, methodical analysis of your system's architecture and processes, ensuring no potential threats are overlooked.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly update and refine your threat models to keep pace with evolving threats and changes in your technology landscape, ensuring ongoing protection.

Do you have additional questions?

If you want more information, or want to hire any of our Threat Modeling services, feel free to contact us; We would be happy to schedule a personal meeting!

At Protekt our mission is to provide the best possible cybersecurity services to add value to your business. Your safety is our priority.